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Starting with version 2.0, DFA supplies a simple network mode. This
network mode has been developed to make it possible that several
connected computers can use the same address file. The problem that
comes up, when an address file is used by more than one user at the
same time is the following:

If several users change the address file at the same time, the last
saved address file overwrites the previously saved ones. The previously
saved changes are lost!

DFA tries to solve this problem in the following way:

If the network mode is active, all operations that change the address
database are forbidden, i.e. saving, changing, marking of addresses is
not possible. It is allowed however, to view the addresses (Full), to
scroll within the address list, to print the addresses and so on.

If you want to do some changes on the addresses, you have to obtain
write access to the address file. This can be done using the AREXX
command ATTEMPTLOCK or by selecting the menu item Write Access in the

If your try to get write access was successful, you may change the
addresses. If you've completed your changes, you should free the write
access using either the AREXX command FREELOCK or the menu item Write
Access in the DFA-Editor. After you have done so, other members of the
LAN can get write access to this address file.

   *     Network mode

     The checkbox gadget Network mode may be used to switch the network
     mode on and off. Please notice however that using this feature
     makes only sense, if you really have a network installed and want
     to access the same address file from several computers.

   *     Retries

     Number of retries to get write access to the current address file.

   *     Retry delay

     Number of seconds that may pass between two tries to get write